Save The Date…

Save The Date…

September 27, 2024:  Join us for our Octoberfest & Casino Night

We are looking to an evening of fun and we are hoping that you will join us.  There are also sponsorship opportunities. Click here for more info about becoming a sponsor.

November 11, 2024:  Veterans Day Parade in Elk Grove, CA.

Click here to access the application if you want to participate in the parade.

Celebrating one of our own

Anacleta Thorn, member of Post 233 Elk Grove. Congratulations on being selected to tell your story on Celebrating Veterans. 

Welcome to our website.  I hope that we have provided the information you need. 


Post 55 – Elk Grove meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday every month at 7:00 pm. Please join us for dinner before the meeting at 6:00 pm. Our meetings are held at the Veterans hall, 8230 Civic Center Drive, Elk Grove, CA 95758. For those who cannot meet in person, we will be providing the meeting via zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to our members monthly. If you are new to the community, please contact us on our Contact Us page to get the Zoom Link.

Post 233 – Elk Grove meets monthly, in person, on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Our meetings are currently being held at the Elks Lodge at 9240 Survey Road, Elk Grove, CA. Please join us for dinner before the meeting at 6:00 pm.

In the News…  

Our Calendar…

Each Post has their own calendar of events. You will find a Calendar tab at the top of their pages.

During a normal year, each post has many activities available throughout the year.  Find one (or two) and join in the fun. Our two Elk Grove Posts have a very active membership and we hope you have a chance to come and visit. We also post the meetings and activities for Auxiliary, Sons and Riders.

Important Dates

May is Military Appreciation Month

 May 1 – Loyalty Day / Silver Star

We hope you can pick some or all of the Events and join us.

Here is a link to the American Legion’s National Website. You will find more links under the Members tab.

Here is a link to renew your membership. Click Here to Renew. Did you know that your dues are done on an annual basis, January through December, not a fiscal calendar basis.  That means that you need to pay your dues in December so that you are not delinquent as of the first of the year.

Next Steps…

If you are a veteran, you need to be a part of this organization. Our sole purpose is to support our fellow veterans. Join us and help out your fellow veterans.

Post Phone Numbers…

Post 233: (916) 681-4078 – This is a voicemail number that is checked weekly.

Post 55:  (916) 585-3807 – This is a voicemail number that is checked weekly.

Are you familiar with our Elk Grove Regional Veterans Memorial

The Elk Grove Regional Veterans Memorial is located within Elk Grove Park 9950 Elk Grove Florin Road to the north of the White Diamond ball field. Oscar O’con, U.S. Army and Marine veteran, has led the Elk Grove Regional Veterans Memorial project for the past 14 years. This beautiful memorial in Elk Grove Park is dedicated to living and deceased military members who have served their communities with honor throughout the region. Engraved dedication pavers are available for purchase to honor both living and deceased members of the military. You can learn more about placing a brick or granite paver at the memorial in the name of a veteran on this page.

What about those military member banners and streets named after veterans ?

Many of you have seen and asked about the military member banners along Civic Center Drive, Bruceville Road and Elk Grove Blvd and wondered who at the Legion to contact to have your son or daughter or your dad or your mom honored with a banner for their service.

Well, that is another reason I love Elk Grove. Those banners are put there by our City, not the veteran’s organizations.  To learn more, click here. It only costs about $150 to have the banner made and placed. They are there for 1 year.

Also, did you know that the City of Elk Grove often names streets after veterans. Yes, they do. You can learn more on the City of Elk Grove Website.

You can read more about the City’s support of veterans in the November-December issue of the Elk Grove City Newsletter as well.Elk